Friday, June 8, 2007

INDONESIA travel and family visit

Richie,Yacob,Fenty and Kiky (My sister's family)

My mother

My Cousin Roy and My nephew Kiky
Kiky and my cousin Ella
My aunt Rosye and my uncle Ronny (Ella & Ronnald Parent)
My cousin Ronnald and David
My cousin Ella and her cousin from her mom's side

Visiting a family friend in Malang, East Java , Indonesia
My mom is the one that wearing green blouse, my sister Fenty is the one with white blouse

Bali, Indonesia.....The Exotic Island, Full Of Art

My Uncle's Antique Art Collection in his shop, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

My sister Fenty at Monkey Forest ,UBUD, Bali

My 2 nephews, Kiky (11 years old) and Richie (16 years old)

Femmy and her nephew Kiky

I found this Jimbaran beach is quite romantic, too bad he wasn't with me at that time. They served good seafood as well . Nusa Dua is one of the best 10 beaches in the world. I agree with that, nice long white sandy beach, clean, very beautiful and mesmerizing. Perfect place to have a holiday with family, especialy for children.
Bedugul Temple in the background

Mount Batur and us.......

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PANAMA Central America

After 10 years of living in Northern Quebec, my husband and I decided to move to a warmer place. Our choice of country happened to be "PANAMA" . It is located in Central America and is a Spanish speaking country. What nice about this country is, you can go to almost anywhere in the country within a few hours by car or by public transportation . For example: If you live in the mountains and you want to go swimming and sunbathing on the beach then within 2 hours you can be there . Here are a few photos that I would like to share with you. Please post your comments or questions regarding this website. Thank you for stopping by.
Setelah 10 tahun tinggal di Quebec Utara, saya dan suami memutuskan untuk pindah ke tempat yang lebih hangat. Pilihan kita "PANAMA". Terletak di Amerika tengah. Berbahasa spanyol. Enaknya di negara ini, kita bisa pergi jalan jalan kemana saja dalam negeri hanya dalam waktu beberapa jam saja dengan mobil pribadi atau kendaraan umum. Contohnya: kalau anda tinggal di gunung dan rindu berenang dan berjemur dibawah hangatnya sinar matahari maka dalam waktu 2 jam sudah bisa berada disana. Berikut ini beberapa foto yang saya ingin sampaikan untuk berbagi cerita dengan anda. Silahkan tinggalkan pesan dan komentar mengenai website ini. Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktunya.

Our house in Paso Ancho

Jason,Veny and Anthonio, our friends from Paso Ancho,Panama
Beautiful Veni
Photo taken in Cerro Punta with friends that visited us from Bugaba

Having nice lunch at our friends Vicky and Frank's place (Vicky made us tasty mexican meal)

Happy Birthday Dirk! Can you believe this guy was born at the same city where I was born in Indonesia! what a small world!

The participants in the rodeo.....

Relaxing time with friends in our house

Parade in one of Panama's celebrations.....

Beautiful mountain backgrounds are quite common to find in Panama

This is the place where we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Boca Chica is the name of an island with a beautiful beach, 2 hours away from where we live in Paso Ancho, Chiriqui, Panama
Disini tempat kita merayakan peringatan 10 tahun umur pernikahan kita. Boca Chica adalah sebuah pulau dengan pantai yang indah, 2 jam dari tempat tinggal kita di Paso Ancho, Chiriqui, Panama

Enjoying the beauty of the nature......
Menikmati indahnya pemandangan alam

Visiting our friend's tomato farm
Mengunjungi kebun tomat milik teman

This river is just 5 minutes away from our house. Nice place for a picnic

Do you want to see more pictures? just let me know at

Sungai ini jaraknya hanya 5 menit dari rumah kita, tempat asyik untuk piknik.
Mau lihat foto foto lagi?

email aja di :

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Femmy and Friends inside the largest Igloo ever made in Puvirnituq, Northern Quebec Canada.

Femmy dan teman teman didalam Igloo terbesar yang pernah dibuat di Puvirnituq, Quebec Utara Canada

Farewell party for David
Pesta perpisahan untuk David

Our little Captain "Eliyasi" ready to paddle to the sea.....

Kapten kecil kita "Eliyasi" siap mendayung ke laut.....

Farewell Party from Sarliatauvik Childcare Centre's team in Puvirnituq. Thank you all for what you have done to make my life in Puvirnituq memorable.

Pesta Perpisahan dari Sekolah TK Sarliatauvik Puvirnituq. Terima kasih untuk semuanya yang telah membuat hidup saya di Puvirnituq sangat berkesan.

I am happy to see that my first time as a Wedding Planner worked out! My friends were happy with the result.
Senang sekali pengalaman pertama sebagai wedding planner berhasil, temanku bahagia sekali dengan hasilnya.

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